Thursday, 20 September 2012

Activities with Audacity - Activity 3

Today we are going to make a musical scale, with the option "Generar tono".

The musical scale is: do - re - mi - fa - sol - la - si - do

Each note has its tone, each tone has its frequency. These are the frequencies for each note (in Hertzs):

Do (261,6) - Re (293,7) - Mi (329,6) - Fa (349,2)  - Sol (392,0) - La (440) - Si (493,9) - Do (523,2).

For each note you have to create a tone one second long, followed by a silence one second long. Create each tone in a different track.

When you finish, save the project and export is as mp3. Then you have to answer the following form:

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