Tuesday, 14 January 2014

First Hardware Activity

Download the file Hardware pictures here.

You'll have to learn all the file's words and the spanish translations. You'll have to search for the best translation for them.

You have to create a new spreadsheet in Google Drive to save the words and the translations.

When you find a link to Youtube videos, you have to follow these instructions:

1. First, watch the videos.
2. Under the video link you'll find some words that are said on the video.
3. For each word: Write down the time (min:sec) when that word or expression it is said. Write also the more appropriate translation in spanish. 
    --> For instance:
    Video 1: Motherboard installation:
    Carefully (1:17): Con cuidado, etc.

These words will be also added to your vocabulary list.

You can also visit:



Monday, 13 January 2014

Second hardware activity - Questions

Answer to the following questions related to the power supply and the motherboard. You can search on Internet to look for the answers.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Third Hardware Activity - Summary

Follow these steps:

- Create a new text file with the OpenOffice Writer
- Write in 2 or 3 lines, the function of the following hardware elements.
- Save it as "Third Hardware Activity"
- Upload it to your Google Drive account

The hardware elements are:

1. RAM

2. Power supply

3. Microprocessor

4. Chipset

5. Expansion cards (at least 3)

6. Motherboard

7. BIOS memory


9. Ports (the most used)

10. Hard disk drive

11. Solid State Drives (SSD): advantages and comparison to HDD

12. Input peripherals (make a list)

13. Output peripherals (make a list)

14. Input/Output peripherals

15. Optical memories (capacity comparison)